Calendar and events
Next Meetings of WUMCO’s Board of Directors
Both meetings to be held at Poolesville Memorial Methodist Church. Public always invited
WUMCO Thanks...
....The sponsors, vendors and all those who attended the WUMCO Walk and Fall Festival.
...Covanta Energy Corp, for their recent donation of 392 pounds of meat. We also thank
them for supplying the prize for our annual Poolesville Day Raffle!
...Kettler Forlines Homes, for their recent donation of 80 pounds of meat.
...Calleva, for the generous donation of the money they collected during Poolesville Day.
...All the churches, organizations and individual community members who continue to support us with food and monetary donations!
...Helping Hands Poolesville, Inc. for organizing their 4th annual work day at the WUMCO facility. Thirteen volunteers accomplished a variety of tasks including: clearing an overgrown section of the yard, replacing 40 feet of rotting fascia board, hauling 3 loads of debris and old, non-running appliances to the transfer station, and cleaning and reorganizing the food pantry. Pictures from the day:
“A marvelous and unexpected gift!” That’s how Executive Director Jane Stearns
responded to WUMCO’s receiving a $1000 food donation (amounting to 864 pounds)
from the “Bishop’s Store House”, a pantry owned and operated by the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The purposes of the Church’s various welfare
programs are to help members become self-reliant, to care for the poor and needy
and to give service. As part of this and in support of “Day to Serve” events in
Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington D.C., the Bishop’s Store House, located in Upper Marlboro, provided similar donations of food to many other pantries in the area. Making the good news even better, the gift is likely to be repeated yearly.
WUMCO Directors. From left: Rande Davis, Renee Brooks, Nancy Allnutt, Tracey Forfa (back), Jane Stearns, Ray Hoewing, Catherine Beliveau and Jim Ridgway. (Mike Plummer, absent for the meeting, is also a Director.)
Renee Brooks (far left) and Melissa Bingham (far right) were presented awards of recognition by President Allnutt and Executive Director Stearns.
Report on WUMCO 2013 Annual Meeting, June 5:
Organization marks 45th year of service
There was much to celebrate at WUMCO’s Annual Meeting. In their remarks to the Board and guests Nancy Allnutt, President of the Board of Directors and Executive Director Jane Stearns reported that the organization had a busy and successful year in 2012. Documenting the multiple services to the needy in the Western Up County, the 2012 Annual Report detailed impressive statistics on emergency help in such areas as housing, utility bills, medical expenses, food, Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets and the special Christmas Toy program.
Treasurer Jim Ridgway reported that the organization’s financial health was excellent going into the midyear. And the just-published “2012 Annual Report”, chock full of details and statistics about how the organization did its work in 2012, also noted that the organization was in its 45th year of service.
Perhaps the highlight of the evening was announcement about six different individuals or organizations that were selected for special recognition for their contribution to WUMCO’s success (among the scores of unsung heroes whose volunteer work undergirds virtually everything the organization does each year).
Melissa Bingham for organizing a door to door campaign in Poolesville (as part of something called the “Day of Service”) to collect food for WUMCO—an impressive 2,517 pounds.
Valaree Dickerson who stepped in at the last moment to organize and implement the 2012 Christmas toy program. This is a time-consuming and complex activity with many “moving parts”, suggested by the number of children, 229, who were the beneficiaries.
Calleva the local recreational organization that provided in-kind services to WUMCO worth several thousand dollars (especially, for making their popular Climbing Wall available for fund-raising purposes).
Covanta Emergy Corporation for ongoing monetary and in-kind support to WUMCO over the years, most notably in 2012 by providing 60 baskets for holiday giving and $3,500 to purchase gifts for the Christmas toy program.
Roy and Betty Jean Selby commended for their monetary and in-kind donations over many, many years as owners of the now-closed Selby’s Market.
Renee Brooks who stepped down in April after 13 years serving as Executive Secretary and Jane Stearns’ “right arm.”
Re-elected to their positions for another 1-year term were Jane Stearns as Executive Director, Nancy Allnutt as President, Tracey Forfa as Vice President and Jim Ridgway as Treasurer.
... all the good folks who contributed toys, gift cards and money in support of our annual Holiday Giving project. Thanks also go out to the many organizations, businesses and families that "adopted" families for the holidays. Your support is greatly appreciated!!
... Boy Scout Troop 496, for collecting 5,207 pounds of food during their annual Scouting for Food event. Also, Many thanks to all the Poolesville residents who contributed food to the drive!
...the sponsors, walkers, vendors, donors, participants and organizers, for a very successful 2015 WUMCO Walk and Oktoberfest! $5,330 was raised for WUMCO!!
...All who helped us provide holiday assistance for the 2014 holiday season!!
...United Way of the National Capitol Area, for the $10,678.00 grant for our Emergency Household Needs Program!
...All the Sponsors, Vendors, Musicians, volunteers and attendees at the WUMCO Walk & Fall Festival. Thanks to you, we raised over $5,500 for our programs!
...Bassett's Restaurant, for holding a fundraiser in August which raised over $400 for WUMCO.
...The Blue Hearth, for holding a fundraiser in August which raised over $600 for WUMCO
...Many thanks to Dr, Pike and his son Alex for the new collection box, hand made especially for us!! The box is located outside the offices of Doctors Pike & Valega at 19601 Fisher Ave. in Poolesville. No appointment necessary.
...Hooray for our Letter Carriers!! Nothing kept them from picking up over 500 pounds of food for us on May 10th, during the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive! Thank you to all of these dedicated men and women, and thank you to all of you who put food out by your mailboxes to be picked up!!!
...the Knights of Columbus- Our Lady of Fatima #6901 for hosting a basketball tournament to benefit WUMCO and collecting 183 pounds of food
....All the individuals and organizations that helped to make our 2013 Holiday Giving programs
a success! We thank ALL our contributors!! A special thanks goes out to the following
organizations and individuals who made extra special contributions (financial or otherwise)
during the 2013 Holiday season:
VALAREE DICKERSON: Coordinated our toy drive and distribution!!
Other holiday elves helped with sorting, distributing/delivering toys:
Kevin Beliveau
Clay McCarty
Mary Beliveau
Christa Mobley
Doris Bennett
John Mobley
Mark Corfman
Norm Spencer
Susan Corfman
Carly Stoliker
Tonya Dorsey
Glenn Tallia
Mary Jane Lee & Family
Suzanne Tallia
James Lee
James Venerable
Organizations- large donations:
Covanta: 30 Thanksgiving baskets, 15 Christmas baskets + $2,500 for toys
Boyds Presbyterian Church: $1,000 for Holiday program
Adopting Individuals/Families and Organizations
These folks “adopted” one or more families for one or both holidays, providing either food or toys or both:
Corporate Network Services
Dickerson United Methodist Church
I.O.O.F. Lodge #97
John Poole Middle School Leo’s Club
Monocacy Lion’s Club
Poolesville Memorial United Methodist Church Youth Group
Poolesville Presbyterian Church
Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
St. Peter’s Parish Episcopal Church
Stoliker Family
West Montgomery Charge United Methodist Women
Wheels of Thunder Motorcycle Club of Silver Spring
Zachrel Family